
6 - 8 Weeks

Jack's progress is coming along very well.  I have concentrated for the most part on three commands:  kennel, here, and hurry (go to the bathroom).  Working on these commands, I have implemented Wildrose Law #18 - Train, don't test.  This means I am not going to sit and yell kennel until he goes in there or tell him to come here until he finally comes to me.  At this point I am simply trying to associate words with behaviors he already does.  Anytime Jack is going to the bathroom, I say "Jack, hurry.  Good boy.  Hurry Jack.   Good boy."  I also wait until he is going into his kennel before I say "kennel" and wait until I am sure he is coming to me before I say "here".

The subject of a kennel seems to be a sore place for many people with whom I have spoken.  A lot of people don't want to keep their dog in a kennel for any amount of time because they think the dog hates it in there and gets lonely.  If that is the case, then you have failed as a trainer because naturally, dogs like and need to have a den.  Jack sees his kennel as a place he can call his own.  A kennel is also necessary for Jack because he cannot be trusted around the house and he is small enough to fit under our fence right now, so he has essentially no unsupervised time.  You'll see how much I have him in the kennel in my schedule below.

  • 5:30 AM - Wake up.  Give food and water.  Go for a walk on lead.  Spend a few minutes working on "here".  Stay outside until Jack goes to the bathroom a second time.
  • 6:30 AM - Off to work (at home luckily).  Jack is put in his kennel at this time.
  • 1:00 PM - I have let Jack out of his kennel maybe 3 or 4 times to go to the bathroom, then right back to the kennel.  At this time, I feed Jack again and give him more water.  We spend more time outside working on "here" for just a few minutes.  I let him explore a bit until he goes to the bathroom again.
  • 6:00 PM - Again I have let Jack out of his kennel a couple times just to go to the bathroom, but he always comes back to his kennel.  I give him food and water again and spend another hour or so with him outside.
  • 8:00 PM - Between 6 and 8 I have kept Jack on his place (I'll explain this concept next time), and then let him out to go to the bathroom again at 8, then back to the kennel.  Note that absolutely no food or water is allowed after 6:00 PM.
  • 10:00 PM - Let Jack out one more time before we retire to bed.
  • 3:00 AM - Wake up to let Jack out, then right back to the kennel.
As you can see, of 24 hours in a day, Jack is in his kennel for about 20 of them.  During the day he is in his kennel for 12 hours.  Jack is a young puppy, he sleeps a lot and really doesn't mind his kennel at all.  I keep it close by me so he can see me when he needs to and feel a part of the pack.  As he gets older I will reduce kennel time, but for now, this is no problem at all for him.


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